The streets of DR

I was out the Dominican Republic a few weeks back and in the process of updating this site I failed to post some of the photos I shot out there. We were out there for our friends Shireen and Murtaza's wedding which was located in Cabrera. I especially like this location because we skipped over all the touristy DR shit and found ourselves in the thick of the local community. When traveling I try my very best to avoid areas with a dense tourist population, it defeats the purpose of traveling. If you aren't going to get a sense of the local community, cuisine  and way of life then whats the point in even traveling there?

Cabrera is a low key, quiet town but full of color and hidden gems. It sits perfectly in the middle of Punta Cana and Santo Domingo, so if you want to selectively experience some of the touristy shit you are only 2 hours away in either direction.

Here are some photos I shot around town. Full disclosure: I fucked with the colors a little bit.

Dominican Republic Street by Atif Ateeq-1 Dominican Republic Street by Atif Ateeq-2 Dominican Republic Street by Atif Ateeq-3 Dominican Republic Street by Atif Ateeq-4 Dominican Republic Street by Atif Ateeq-5 Dominican Republic Street by Atif Ateeq-6 Dominican Republic Street by Atif Ateeq-7 Dominican Republic Street by Atif Ateeq-8